
ICE-PO 2012, The International Conference and Exhibition of Palm Oil

Since 2008,  Indonesia managed to shift the position of Malaysia as a manufacturer CPO (crude palm oil) in the world. This achievement made interntional exhibition of palm oil . The International Conference and Exhibition of Palm Oil has opened at 8 may 2012 by 
Risman Heriawan, Deputy Minister of Agriculture in Jakarta Convention Centre.  This event started from 8-12 may 2012. With the theme “Palm Oil Industry for Planet and Prosperity.”

Risman said, ICE-PO 2012 is not an event to circumvent Western accusations against environmental issues on the domestic oil industry. “a matter of Western accusations against the oil industry, we will confront us with the facts, but this is an event of ICE-PO 2012  interests of our own, in an effort the development of industry continued at once reveal oil on the seriousness of the world we are paying attention to elements of the environment and contribution of the Palm towards the increase per economy” said Risman.

Now, Indonesia is the biggest country in the world  that producing CPO (Crude Palm Oil) after replace Malaysia since 2008. CPO production growth is currently an average of 23.5 million tons per year, where as much as 16.5 million tons of export commodity to a number of countries such as the US and Europe. Even Indonesia predicted would produce (CPO) as much as 40 million tons per year at 2020. 

Soedjai Kartasasmita, chairmen of the Advisory Board ICE-PO 2012 said,  Indonesia has implemented management land good and right , management integrated pest , new approach fertilization , used technology high for the attainment of production maximum.However, the challenges now are way back the government decision that increase the fare CPO export for delivery may 2012 be 19,5 % , up 1 % from the previous 18,5 %. Meanwhile,  Danny R Sultoni as the chairman of the organizing ICE-PO 2012 said , ICE-PO in 2012 is a forum of experts who will present a paper on technology oriented to human and Earth advantage, followed by 1000 participants consisting of producers, entrepreneurs, eksortir, imortir and scientists, the exhibition and is expected to be visited by 5000 visitors “The event was expected to be one stop event for the stakeholders to discuss an issue to promote our palm oil industry , especially of the issue a draft indonesian palm oil was sustained ( ISPO ), he said.

Nadya Saarah Amelinda


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